Jacqui Carr

Transformation: Where does fleet need to go? [Video]

The Future of Fleet (1)

Fleet management companies face various challenges and transformation processes on an ongoing basis, but what does EQSTRA do to combat these issues?

The fleet management industry is grappling with a wide array of transformers: from changes in digital systems to the implementation of new driver technology. The truth is: the automotive industry is moving at a rapid pace and it’s up to fleet management companies to keep up. 

Let’s take a brief look at the various “disruptors” in fleet management:

Digital integration and processes
It’s difficult to determine what the future of fleet management will look like, but it’s important to prepare for it now. Automotive-fleet.com, a car and truck fleet leasing magazine, advises: “the best way to answer the question of what is the future of fleet is to look outside the fleet industry. It is important to remember that fleet is not an innovator of new technology; however, it is a very early adopter. With this in mind, watch how technology is evolving outside of fleet. Ask yourself: How can (or, how will) these innovations be incorporated into fleet management?”
With the introduction of new customer-centric business models, digital transformation should always be top of mind. Using digital media and the internet, greater efficiency and productivity levels can be achieved for fleet management companies. By using Quest, our software management system, we’re able to achieve seamless processes and greater customer and supplier satisfaction.


Black owned fleet management companies

It’s important to create opportunities for growth and education in South Africa and we can only do this if organisations unlock the potential of fleet management companies.
According to an article published on Moneyweb, an independent financial media group listed on the JSE, “the various industry charters that have defined Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) structures as a vehicle for transformation mean well. But they’re not innovative enough. They’re riddled with old-style business thinking, predicated on debt funding and keep shareholders away from the heart of the business.”
Ndaba Mhlanga, the Director of Amasondo Fleet Services, believes transformation is about attracting the right skills for the industry and creating opportunities to upskill. However, it remains a collective responsibility where fleet management companies and the Government should give more recognition to black talent and nurture critical skills in the industry.
Read his insights here

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Changes in driver behaviour and training

Changes in driver behaviour can be very difficult and is not something that will happen overnight.
Fleetio, fleet management and maintenance software says: “Aggressive driving and texting while driving are examples of common unsafe driving behaviors that put your fleet at risk. Accidents related to aggressive driving have increased 400 percent since 1990 and result in over 13,000 accidents per year. Also, accidents are 8 times more likely when the driver is texting and this behavior results in 25,000 injuries and fatalities each year.”
However, with proper driver and incentive programmes in place, it becomes easier to prevent accidents. A fleet tracking and and telematics system can be a great tool to identify aggressive and dangerous driver behaviour.
Considering these changes, we’ve spoken to Jacqui Carr, EQSTRA Fleet Management and Logistics’ CEO to get her insights into how the company will address this.