There are a number of ways to make your fleet more environmentally friendly while slashing costs as an added bonus. This article tackles the idea of how to run a green fleet - and when to call in expert help to make it happen.
Going green is a global trend that’s here to stay, especially with increasingly terrifying articles hitting the news about the real consequences of not acting sustainably. No matter which industry your business operates in, environmental sustainability is a core concept that has a number of benefits: not only are you contributing to a better future and showing customers that you are a responsible choice, but it can result in cost savings as well, keeping your bottom line that much healthier as well.
At first, the idea of green fleet management might conjure up images of electric cars and hybrid models, which can be off-putting for a fleet manager because it simply isn’t feasible to replace entire fleets. Despite that, however, since South Africa uses coal to generate electricity, the “green” electric car isn’t actually that earth friendly. So what can be done to run a sustainable, green fleet in South Africa?
The answer is surprisingly simple - become proactive in managing your fleet to reduce negative impacts on the environment wherever possible. This can be done by keeping a well-maintained fleet and weeding out poor driving habits. Both of these are major contributors to fuel wastage, which wastes fossil fuel resources (and hits your business in the form of fuel spend). It can be time-consuming to keep track of when each vehicle in your fleet needs to be serviced to keep it in optimal condition, but a fleet management service with managed maintenance solutions can save you the hassle. After all, something as simple as ensuring correct tyre pressure counts - this article suggests that a 25% deflation in tyre pressure ups your fuel spend by 2%, which can very quickly add up!
Another service that can come in extremely handy when running a green fleet is a fleet management service that tracks and scores driver behaviour through Telematics. Harsh acceleration and stop-start driving add up to excess fuel consumption so scoring drivers and identifying those in need of training is a quick way to cut fuel consumption. Route optimisation is another benefit of telematics. Poor route planning and driving in traffic is extremely wasteful, so ensuring that your drivers have the best system for mapping and planning routes to decrease mileage can tighten up your fuel spend, decrease your carbon emissions and lighten the load on the environment, making your fleet leaner and greener.
Strategically, your business should also take into consideration what policies to implement regarding a greener fleet, including purchasing decisions on new vehicles and fleet upgrades, in order to consider their emissions profile and fuel consumption, and when hybrid or electric models will become a feasible option in South Africa.
If this is tricky territory to navigate, a good fleet management service can help to review your current fleet and assist with creating a strategy that includes environmental considerations that also save you money.
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