Mohammed Moosa

6 things you should have done to save fuel in 2016

Save fuel with EQSTRA fuel cards

Petrol prices have already risen this year, and the outlook isn’t much better for the rest of 2017. Here are our fuel-saving tips.

For fleet managers, 2017 is going to be the year of the Big Fuel Save. With the global economy still under strain and the local outlook not much better, there will be huge pressure on fleet managers to cut costs wherever possible.

The good news (yes, there is still some of that) is that saving on fuel is still within your control and there are many options available to fleet managers who need to cut down on expenses. Over the past few months, we have shared numerous blog posts related to fuel savings. In the spirit of the Big Fuel Save 2017 we’ve listed our top tips below:


1. Preventative maintenance

Regular vehicle maintenance is a sure-fire way to ensure fuel consumption is kept to a minimum. Sticking to the vehicle’s prescribed service schedule and conducting regular maintenance checks is the only way to keep your fleet in good running order.

In addition to scheduled maintenance, implement pre-and post-journey inspections. Checking tyre condition, potential windscreen chips and cracks as well as wheel alignment and balancing should be as routine as filling up.

In our blog post on preventative maintenance, Mohammed Moosa, National Fleet Manager at EQSTRA Fleet Management (EFM), pointed out that choosing the right vehicle will reduce the need for preventative maintenance, but not rule it out entirely.

Preventative maintenance is a vital part of fuel-saving plans for fleets managers. If vehicles are kept in an optimal running condition they’re able to run as efficiently as possible and keep your fuel bill to a minimum.


recommended blog for you: The importance of preventative maintenance


2. Tyre TLC

Tyres are a big expense (and cause of many headaches) for fleet managers. Like many fleet costs, tyre expense is unpredictable and often out of the fleet manager’s control. Poor road conditions and potholes that appear overnight can wreak havoc on your tyre budget. That said, a non-negotiable tyre care policy will save on fuel in the long run.

According to Willie Venter, former Fleet Consulting Manager at EFM, “If tyres are under-inflated it increases the rolling resistance, which in turn leads to higher fuel consumption. On a medium-sized car, tyres that are under-inflated by one bar can increase the fuel consumption by up to 6%. That’s a big knock for any fleet budget.”

Fleet managers who have a solid policy in place that requires tyres to be check before, during (if it’s an extended trip) and after each journey will definitely see an improvement in fuel consumption. Don’t take the risk of running tyres that still look ‘relatively OK’. Not only will this chug extra fuel, but the risk of a blow-out simply isn’t worth it.


3. Preventing fuel fraud

Fuel fraud is rife in the fleet industry, and any other industry where fuel is accessible. In our post about preventing fuel fraud, we highlighted a number of red flags and situations that fleet managers need to be aware of.

Fleet managers who want to prevent fuel fraud, and save on fuel, need to ensure they have a solid fuel card policy in place. If you don’t have one or don’t make use of fuel cards, 2017 is the year to change that!

Fuel card reports allow fleet managers to keep precise track of fleet fuel consumption. Comprehensive fuel card reports will show up when and where each vehicle was filled, as well as the amount. This allows you to spot overfilling (when fuel canisters are filled in addition to the vehicle) and quickly spot which individuals tend to use a lot more fuel than others.

The data provided by fuel card reports will also highlight problem vehicles with high fuel consumption – possibly due to engine irregularities. It’s an effective way to spot problems early and the best way to get a month-on-month detailed look at your fuel expenditure. If you know where you’re losing money, you can work on fixing it and save a lot of money by eliminating the risk of ‘lost’ fuel.


recommended blog for you: How to prevent fuel fraud


4. Route optimisation

Many companies save thousands of Rands in fuel costs every month by continuously updating and optimising their routes. The trick is to realise that the shortest route might not be the most efficient. If you’re transporting heavy goods, for example, it makes more sense to choose a slightly longer route that has fewer stops and traffic lights. Stop-Start routes tend to consume a lot more fuel than a slightly longer route with fewer stops. It’s all about finding the right balance for your specific fleet requirements.

Fleet managers who want to save on fuel costs in 2017 should take a fresh look at their designated routes and see where the process can be optimised. Road deterioration increases fuel consumption, so it’s crucial that fleet managers know the road conditions of all their preferred routes. Tyres also take a beating on bad roads which further increases fuel consumption.

All fleet managers will know that it’s impossible to find the ‘perfect’ road or route, but make changes where possible and you will see a drop in overall consumption and cost.


5. Efficient driving

No matter what type of vehicle you’re operating, driving style has a big impact on fuel consumption. Fleet managers who are serious about reducing fuel costs in 2017 will need to take a good look at driver efficiency.

Fleet managers with access to Telematics data can keep track of all driver behaviour from speeding and erratic acceleration to excessive braking and extended periods of engine idling. Effective driver training, and rewards for efficient driving, goes a long way toward keeping fuel expenses to a minimum.


6. Knowledge saves money

The best cost-saving tool for any fleet manager is access to – and understanding of – all the data needed to fully optimise fleet operations. Investing in fleet management data, or partnering with a qualified fleet management company – could turn 2017 into your most fuel-efficient year to date.

It is crucial for fleet managers to use a telematics unit as the data is easily accessible and it can help identify the various areas to minimise costs in your fleet. Data provides a lot of proof and is extremely important in the management of a robust fleet.

With continuous advances in fleet management technology, today’s fleet managers have access to all the necessary tools to run the most efficient fleet possible. Technology may require an initial investment, but this will quickly be offset by the impressive cost savings in fuel and other areas.


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